
Helsinki Baroque Orchestra tours Europe with René Jacobs

René Jacobs

Helsinki Baroque Orchestra embarks on an extensive tour of Europe in May. With seven dates in all, the tour opens in Helsinki on May 9th, followed by concerts in Germany, Spain and Belgium.

The programme consists of Mozart, Kraus and Beethoven. The soloist is Sophie Karthäuser, considered a “born Mozartean” and one of the finest Mozart sopranos of our time. René Jacobs, a stalwart of early music, will be conducting, and excitingly, including Beethoven’s symphonies in his repertoire for the first time.

All of the concert venues are known for high quality programming. One of the highlights will be the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden, which with its 2,500 seat auditorium is the largest in Germany. Besides HeBO, other stellar performers in Festspielhaus Baden-Baden this season include the Berliner Philharmoniker, The Vienna Philharmonic, Diana Damrau and Hilary Hahn.

Tour programme:

9.5. Musiikkitalo, Helsinki
11.5. Kursaal, San Sebastián
12.5. Teatro Antzokia Principal, Vitoria
14.5. Festspielhaus, Baden-Baden
17.5. De Bijloke, Gent
19.5. Festsaal, Stadttheater Ingolstadt
21.5. Palacio Euskalduna, Bilbao

Joseph Martin Kraus
Suite from Dido and Aeneas, VB 23

Wolfgang Amadé Mozart
Alma grande e nobil core, KV 578
Basta, vincesti, KV 295a
Bella mia fiamma, addio, KV 528

Ludwig van Beethoven
Ah! perfido, op. 65
Symphony no 1 in C Major, op. 21

Sophie Karthäuser, soprano
Helsinki Baroque Orchestra
conductor René Jacobs

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